Taking Action For People Facing Domestic Violence
Domestic violence cuts across all social classes, and can cause profound mental, physical and emotional harm. Any type of domestic violence must be dealt with quickly and decisively. Any person facing harassment, stalking or abuse has the right to seek a restraining order (or protective order). With a lawyer on your side, you can have confidence knowing that you are taking positive steps toward protecting yourself and your family.
The Law Offices of Fredrick S. Cohen focus on all aspects of family law, including domestic violence matters. From our office in Sacramento, we represent clients throughout the area.
How Can A Restraining Order Help Me?
In California, if someone is in a relationship with a person who abuses you, you can bring what is known as a domestic violence restraining order. A judge can require the subject of the order to stay a certain distance away from you, bar him or her from the home, and stay away from any children you may have. Furthermore, a restraining order will require a person to give up or relinquish any firearms.
The first step in the process is to file an emergency protective order (EPO) or temporary restraining order (TRO). An EPO is only valid for 24 hours, while a TRO is valid for 20 to 25 days. Following the TRO, you can request a restraining order that could last for up to three years. The firm’s lawyers can advise you of your rights and the best course of action to take.
Has A Restraining Order Been Entered Against You?
In certain situations, individuals may falsely accuse another person of domestic violence in order to gain an advantage in a divorce or custody dispute. If a temporary restraining order has been entered against you, it is critical to recognize that this could prevent you from living in your home and having access to your children. The firm’s attorneys have experience defending individuals in these situations, and can advocate for you.
Contact Our Law Firm
If you believe you are in danger, call 911. If you need to discuss a restraining order, call 916-900-1126. If your concern is less urgent, you may email us to schedule a consultation.