Family law has many nuances, especially for unmarried parents. You should understand your rights and responsibilities to ensure the best possible outcome for you and your children. There are several things to consider when it comes to family law for unmarried...
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Family Law
What is the “best interests” standard in California child custody?
Many children have a hard time dealing with parental divorce. This is especially true when parents fight over custody. In California, courts make custody and visitation decisions based on the "best interests" of the child. This legal standard puts the child's welfare...
How to establish paternity in California
Think Babies reported 81.8% of children live in a two-parent home. For the remaining children, there may be situations where the father had to establish paternity. Establishing paternity is an important legal step to validate the relationship between a father and his...
What happens to the family home in a divorce?
California follows the concept of community property when dividing assets in a divorce. According to the California Courts, community property is anything a couple obtains during the marriage. One of the most significant assets typically at the center of divorce...
What does parental alienation look like?
Children have better odds of thriving when maintaining healthy relationships with both parents. However, the animosity between spouses during and after a divorce can spill over into the parent-child bond. Parental alienation can become common, and studies find that...
How legal guidance can help you create the perfect parenting plan
Following your divorce and the determination of child custody, the next step is for you and your co-parent to agree on a parenting plan that promotes a healthy family dynamic. This is easier said than done if you cannot arrive at a mutually-agreeable plan. You should...