The decision to end your marriage can be difficult and painful. There are many legal and logistical concerns to address. When planning to file for divorce in California, here are some key points to consider. Have you filled out the necessary forms? You must fill out a...
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Firm News
Should you stop using social media during your divorce?
Social media is something you likely use every day to connect with others, fill your downtime and stay in touch with friends and family. This is the same for most American adults of all ages. According to the Pew Research Center, six out of every 10 Instagram and...
Do step-parents have visitation and custody rights?
Divorce is complicated enough when both spouses have children together, but what happens when one spouse has children from a previous marriage? You may have a close relationship with your spouse's children that you want to continue after your marriage ends....
Assets, debts and a knowledgeable approach to property division
If you are facing the end of your marriage, the next hurdle to cross will be the property division phase of your divorce. The objective here is for the two of you to divide your property and debt in as fair a manner as possible. If you can work together, property...
Do you have to split marital property equally when you divorce in California?
California uses a community property standard for asset division when couples divorce. While the law mandates fair division, however, it does not require a 50/50 split of marital assets and debt. Explore the factors that impact property division in California divorce...
3 tips for coparenting after divorce
One of your biggest concerns about your divorce is likely how your children will react. You may worry about how your children will cope, especially as you start to share parenting time with your former spouse. According to the American Psychological Association,...
Avoid these common money mistakes amid divorce
The decisions you make when navigating your divorce have far-reaching implications, and this is particularly true when it comes to your money. Many people in your shoes make similar financial mistakes during a divorce, so recognizing what these common money mistakes...
How does California divide retirement accounts in divorce?
If your marriage ends after 10 years or longer, you may have a healthy retirement account. Individuals ending a second or subsequent marriage will also have concerns about the division of retirement savings. Review the basics of fairly dividing your retirement savings...
3 business valuation methods reach vastly different results
Starting and growing a business are the more effective ways to achieve the American dream. If you are going through a divorce, though, your business venture may be part of the marital estate. That is, even if your spouse has had little interest in your company, he or...
Dealing with your timeshare during your divorce
If you are preparing to divorce your spouse, you probably know something about division of marital assets. In California, you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse have an equal ownership interest in the marital estate. The same is true for your marital debts. In addition to...